The LaPorte County Amateur Radio Club (LPCARC) weekly net is held every Wednesday at 7pm Central on 146.970 (131.8 PL). Net manager is Curt Yeater, AC9HO, with general check-ins, Raw Chew, Swap Shop, club event information, Regional News and Information along with John's "Useless Information". Net Manager will give you signal report just so you can know how others hear your signal. Bought a new rig, have a new antenna, fire up the rig and check in to the net. Regional News, Events and Information is for anyone to share what's happening in the area. Maybe you know of Hamfest, VE Test Session or even a Silent Key, check in and pass along the information. If it is important to you..... It is important to others. You can also follow the net and send messages via on your brower.
Weekly nets is also a exercise in Emergency Communications. Net Control handles and routes all traffic. We can always use a Net Control Operator. A great way to learn handling traffic. Contact Curt for more information.