La Porte County Amateur Radio Club

    Anastasia Donnelly KD9ZGJ is now KD9ZGJ/AG. Way to go, Congratulations


    The CABIN FEVER HAMFEST WAS A HUGE SUCCESS. In a report to membership, our President KC9DJP, Reported profits that have not been seen in years. Feed back from vendors and attendees were very positive, and we are hopefull to see growth in years to come. again thank you to all who came out.

    A huge Thank you goes out to the Porter County Amateur Radio club for staffing the VE Session, at the Hamfest. we also want to saythanks to family express and talkpod radios for their donations

    Visit the 2025 Hamfest page for pictures of the event. New Pictures have been added. (TAB ON THE LEFT)

    FOX HUNTS ARE COMMING BACK. Yes boys and girls John Phillips and other members is bringing it back to the area. At the April club meeting John will present a brief overview of the hunt, along with some helpfill hints. The first hunt  is scheduled for May. Date, time and location TBA.

    Do you have news or announcements that others would like to know about? Maybe you heard a member has past or you won the lottery and wish to give the Webmaster a ton of cash. Send any news, to our Webmaster at the tab below.


    We are starting the 28.310 Raw Chew Net every Tuesday night at 7pm CDT. For more information on the net contact Travis KC9TWX

    Wednesday Night Nets has moved to the 146.970 (131.8). See you there. A great way to keep in touch or see if radio still works. Net Manager is Curt AC9HO

    Comming up.......Mark your Calendars

    Looking for a VE Test Session? Exams will be held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the MAAC Foundation 4203 Montdale Dr., Valparaiso In 46383. All sessions begin at 9:00am Central. Sponsor Porter County Amateur Radio Club.

    Our next club meeting will be April 14th at 7:00pm

    Seventh Day Adventist Church 1480 Boyd Blvd, LaPorte


    Have you paid dues? Do you enjoy the use of our repeaters?

    Club Dues are now being accepted. Get yours paid. I did. :)

      Club Dues / Join the Club

      Annual dues are $20, click the membership tab on the left.

    Weekly Breakfast @ 8:00 am

    • Every Thursday
      Mama T's Diner
    • (Click links for map/directions)
    • The First Saturday of the month, Sugar Bowl Restaurant - 402 W US 20, Michigan City at 8:00am.
